Theft by extortion is a form of theft under Arizona law. Pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-1804, theft by extortion occurs when an individual obtains or seeks to obtain property or services:
By threatening to:
By threatening to:
In short, extortion is a means by which someone uses a threat in order to entice someone else to do or give something. These types of theft crimes are often considered blackmail in Arizona, making it crucial to consult a lawyer for blackmail for legal guidance.
Extortion is the means of using a threat in order to force another individual to provide the offender with specific property or services. For example, an individual who commits extortion may force a business owner into paying the offender money and use the threat of physical harm or property damage in order to coerce the victim into paying.
Bribery occurs when an individual offers money, a gift or another form of compensation in order to coerce an individual to do something or influence their decisions. An example of bribery would be if a business owner offers a politician a large sum of money, contingent on if they vote on a piece of legislation that would benefit the owner’s business.
Extortion is effectively blackmail in Arizona. Blackmailing occurs when an individual uses the threat of revealing harmful information about an individual as a way to coerce them into completing a certain action or giving up property.
Example. A person approaches a politician and threatens to expose them for cheating, which could hurt their marriage and public identity, if they do not pay the offender a certain sum of money. Blackmailing is most commonly used as a threat to reveal shameful, damaging or incriminating information about an individual unless they do as requested.
Extortion is more of an all-encompassing charge, as it includes threats being made about physical harm and damaging physical property, as a means of coercion.
The sentence for extortion in Arizona ranges depending on the type of threat that is alleged to have been used. If a person threatens to cause physical injury with a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument; or to cause death or serious physical injury, then the offense is a class 2 Felony
All other forms of theft by extortion are class 4 felonies.
Sexual extortion pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-1428 occurs when an individual knowingly threatens to:
Unless they agree to:
Sexual extortion is a class 3 felony unless the victim is under the age of 15 in which case sexual extortion is a class 2 felony and punishable pursuant A.R.S. § 13-705 (Dangerous Crimes Against Children).
At Feldman & Royle, we understand that every extortion case is different and presents a number of circumstances that can help or hinder an individual’s case. We also understand that theft by extortion is a serious felony which requires careful review of the facts and law. As experienced extortion lawyers, we have handled many extortion and sexual extortion cases over the years. We offer a free and confidential consultation in order to address your questions and outline a defense strategy.
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