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Vehicular Crimes is a general term used to describe crimes that involve the use of a vehicle. Most police agencies will have specialized units dedicated to investigating vehicular crimes. In Arizona, most prosecuting agencies have specially selected prosecutors to handle the prosecution of vehicular crimes. These specialized law enforcements measures are necessary because of the technical and forensic issues commonly associated with these vehicular crimes.

Types of Vehicular Crimes

If you have been convicted of a crime at trial or pled guilty and been sentenced it doesn’t mean that your case is entirely over. Even after being sentenced for a crime there are a number of different avenues for appeal worth exploring. With a wealth of experience handling criminal appeals, the attorneys at Feldman & Royle routinely handled the following matters:

Examples of experts commonly used to investigate vehicular crimes include:

  • Accident Reconstruction;
  • Forensic Toxicology;
  • Drug Recognition Experts (DRE);
  • Cellular Forensics (used to establish a suspect’s location);
  • Impaired Driver Recognition Experts;
  • Phlebotomist (used to establish BAC and DNA)

With specialized units and experts being used to investigate vehicular crimes, it is of the utmost importance to utilize the services of an experienced vehicular crimes attorney. At Feldman & Royle, we have successfully represented individuals charged with various vehicular crimes.

Understanding Criminal Appeals

Types of
Criminal Appeals 
in Arizona

Examples of the most common types of vehicular crimes you can be charged with in Arizona include:

Hit and Run

Hit and Run crimes are charged as Leaving the Scene of an Accident in Arizona under A.R.S. §§ 28-661 through 28-665. Hit and Run is committed when a driver is involved in a car accident and leaves the accident scene instead of staying to exchange information with the other person. A driver can be convicted of Hit and Run even when the accident was not the driver’s fault.

Hit and Run can be a felony or a misdemeanor. And Hit and Run can range from a Class 5 Felony to a Class 2 Felony, or from a Class 3 Misdemeanor to a Class 2 Misdemeanor. The classification and seriousness of the charge depends on different facts. For example:

  • What did the driver hit? Was it another car with people in it? An empty parked car? A pedestrian or bicyclist? A light pole or street sign?
  • What kind of damage was done? Property damage only? Was someone injured in the accident? Did anyone die from the accident?
  • Was the driver who left the scene the one who caused the accident?

What the prosecution must prove, penalties, and defenses are both general rules and case specific.

Vehicular Assault

Vehicular Assault is charged as Aggravated Assault under Arizona law A.R.S. § 13-1204. It is normally charged as a Class 3 Dangerous Felony. After trial, the penalty for Vehicular Assault is from 5 to 15 years in prison (for a first-time offense). A person commits Vehicular Assault when, using a car, a person intentionally, knowingly, or reckless causes injury to another person. Vehicular Assault is most commonly charged when a person drives under the influence of alcohol or drugs and causes an accident that injures another person. It can also be committed when a person intentionally hits or scares another person with their car. What the prosecution must prove, penalties, and defenses are both general rules and case specific.


Vehicular Homicide is charged when a person causes a car accident that kills someone else. The felony class and punishment depend on the type of Vehicular Homicide. Charges range from a Class 4 Felony to a Class 1 Felony. After trial, penalties range from 4 years in prison to life imprisonment.

A person may be charged with any of the homicide classifications under Arizona law:

  • First Degree Murder – A.R.S. § 13-1105
  • Second Degree Murder – A.R.S. § 13-1104
  • Manslaughter – A.R.S. § 13-1103
  • Negligent Homicide – A.R.S. § 13-1102

What the prosecution must prove, penalties, and defenses are both general rules and case specific

Vehicular Endangerment

Vehicular Endangerment is defined in Arizona law A.R.S. § 13-1201. It is charged when a person recklessly endangers another person with a substantial risk of imminent death or physical injury and a car was involved. The classification of this crime depends on the foreseen risk that was established by the behavior, if the possible risk is: Death, then Vehicular Endangerment is typically charged as a Class 6 Dangerous Felony. After trial, the punishment is from 1.5 to 3 years in prison (for a first-time offense). Physical Injury, then Vehicular Endangerment is charged as a Class 1 Misdemeanor. The penalty is probation, with anywhere from 0 days to 6 months in jail (for a first-time offense). What the prosecution must prove, penalties, and defenses are both general rules and case specific.

Restoration Of Civil Rights

Felony Flight is charged as Unlawful Flight from Pursuing Law Enforcement Vehicle in Arizona under A.R.S. § 28-622.01. It is a Class 5 Felony, punishable by either probation or 0.5 to 2.5 years in prison (for a first-time offense). Felony Flight is committed when a marked police car tries to pull over a driver. Instead of pulling over, the driver willfully runs from or tries to run from the marked police car. The police car has to have at least one of its emergency lights on and use its siren as reasonably necessary. What the prosecution must prove, penalties, and defenses are both general rules and case specific.

Phoenix Vehicular Crimes Attorney

Being convicted of a vehicular crime can seriously impact you and your loved ones. Most of the time, these crimes are not committed with any intention of hurting anyone. Too often, however, the prosecution has charged you with a crime for what really was a tragic accident.

You need an experienced vehicular crimes attorney that has the skills to handle the technical and forensic issues involved in vehicular crimes cases. The Vehicular Crimes Attorneys at Feldman & Royle have the experience and knowledge to help ensure the best outcome in your case. Call our offices now for a free consultation.

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