The fact that you have been charged with a “sex crime” does not begin to explain the classification of the crime or the potential penalties. Sex crimes in Arizona range from misdemeanors to serious felonies, and the punishments can extend from probation and fines to years in prison. The following are types of sex crimes commonly charged in Arizona:
One of the great fears of those charged with sex crimes is that they may have to register as a sex offender. In that case, their identity will be available for all to see online, along with the crime of which they have been convicted. In addition, sex registration requires annual updates to law enforcement.
A.R.S. § 13-3821 sets forth the conditions that would require sex offender registration. It includes numerous sex crimes, but not all such offenses are listed. And in some cases, registration is only required after a second or subsequent conviction for a particular offense.
From our years of experience as Sex Crime Lawyers - the answer to this question depends on the type of sex crime offense of which you were convicted. Arizona doesn’t have pure expungement, only the ability to have the conviction set aside. However, you are not eligible to have a crime set aside if it is:
Because most sex crimes fall into one of those categories, generally having a sex crime expunged or set aside under Arizona law is uncommon. There is one major exception for having a sex crime expunged, however. Under A.R.S. § 13-909, if a person was convicted of a charge of prostitution and it is found that their participation was a direct result of being a victim of sex trafficking, then the conviction can be vacated entirely.
Because the term “sex crimes” has such a broad definition and encompasses so many crimes, there is no one answer to this question. Sex crimes statute of limitations pursuant to A.R.S. § 13-107, can range from 1 year in misdemeanor sex crimes cases to an indefinite time period for a violent sexual assault.
Experience is the best indication of whether a particular attorney will be able to provide you with the quality representation you need when facing a sex crime charge. Finding a sex crimes lawyer with the required experience is of the utmost importance when defending charges as serious as many sex crimes. As criminal defense lawyers in Phoenix, we have a proven track record of success and have represented hundreds of people charged with all types of sex crimes. We provide a free and confidential consultation to discuss your case details and strategize a defense.