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Criminal Traffic

Reckless Driving Lawyer Arizona

Often thought of as simply a crime that DUIs are pled down from, reckless driving is also a standalone crime and a common criminal offense in Arizona. If you received a reckless driving ticket you may have thought that it was simply a “traffic offense.” However, there are significant differences when you compare reckless driving charges to running a stop sign, tailgating, or even speeding. In fact, it is a criminal traffic violation and punishable by fines, MVD consequences and even jail time.

Definition of Reckless Driving in Arizona

The precise definition of reckless driving can be found in A.R.S. § 28-693 which defines it as:

Driving in reckless disregard for the safety of people or property.

As referenced above, the exact definition of reckless driving can be somewhat vague and difficult to visualize. However, in an effort to better understand the exact legal definition the statute can be broken into two pieces. The second portion of the statute is fairly straightforward in that it’s easy to understand what “safety of people or property” means.

The first portion of the sentence tends to be the more unclear component as “reckless disregard” is not clearly defined in the statue. However, reckless disregard means that you were aware that your actions posed:

  1. A significant risk of injury or damage; and
  2. That you were unjustified in taking the risk; and
  3. That your actions constituted a gross deviation from how a reasonable person would have acted.

SIDE NOTE: The phrase “gross deviation” is important as it requires proof of more than mere negligence.

The bottom line is that there is no set of rules that will tell you with certainty whether or not a particular set of circumstances constitutes reckless driving. Exceeding the speed limit, for example, is a charge that can be measured; recklessness, on the other hand, involves your state of mind, and the proof (or lack of proof) will depend upon whether that state of mind can be gleaned from the surrounding circumstances. While the inability to 100% define the crime can be frustrating, it also holds the key for an experienced Arizona reckless driving attorney to make winning arguments before a jury.

How Does Arizona’s Reckless Driving Differ?

Arizona Reckless Driving differs from other traffic violations in the following respects:

  1. The penalties for reckless driving are more severe than for most criminal traffic offenses.
  2. More points are assessed through MVD than most other offenses.
  3. The evidence in reckless driving charges tend to be more complex, and involve more conjecture and subjective conclusions, than other traffic offenses.


Reckless Driving

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Penalties for Reckless Driving

Reckless Driving Arizona Penalties – First Offense DUI in Arizona

If convicted, the punishment could include:

  • Class 2 misdemeanor;
  • The possibility of up 4 months in jail, though mandatory minimum jail is required by law;
  • Monetary fine;
  • 8 Points on your driver license.
  • Potential loss of driver license for up to 90 days.

Reckless Driving Arizona Penalties — Second Offense DUI in Arizona

Penalties for Reckless Driving under ARS 28-693, like DUI and many other offenses, can become more severe if you have a prior conviction within the past 24 months. In the case of a second offense, the punishment includes:

  • Class 1 misdemeanor,
  • Mandatory minimum jail sentence of 20 days;
  • Monetary fine;
  • 8 Points on your driver license.
  • Mandatory suspension of your driver license;
  • SR22 Insurance.

penalties for reckless driving

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Arizona Reckless Driving Defenses

There is no question that these are serious charges, but the fact that you have been charged does not mean that you will be convicted. We know what the prosecutor must prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, in your case. We also know that the offense requires proof that you knew of a particular danger, and consciously decided to ignore it.

Finally, it requires proof that your actions represented a gross deviation from the way in which a reasonable person would have acted. In many cases, we can develop facts that run contrary to the allegations against you and create reasonable doubt sufficient to defeat the prosecutor’s case.

Arizona Reckless Driving Attorney

At Feldman & Royle, we are experienced in handling all types of vehicular crimes from criminal speeding tickets to vehicular homicide charges. With the penalties that you will likely face, it makes sense to hire an experienced reckless driving attorney in Arizona. We have handled reckless driving charges in both plea negotiations as well as jury trials and are familiar with the strategies to either reduce or dismiss or obtain a not guilty verdict.

Don’t run the risk of losing your driving privileges, going to jail, dealing with increased insurance premiums or any other penalties. Call us today to speak to an experienced reckless driving lawyer in Arizona about your charges. We offer a free and confidential consultation in order to assess your individual case and develop a defense strategy.

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Adam Feldman and Bret Royle, Criminal Defense Attorneys in Phoenix

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Reckless driving in Arizona is defined as operating a vehicle with reckless disregard for the safety of persons or property. This means driving in a manner that shows a willful indifference to the potential consequences, endangering others on the road.

A first-time reckless driving offense is classified as a Class 2 misdemeanor. Penalties can include up to four months in jail, fines up to $750 plus surcharges, and the possibility of a driver's license suspension for up to 90 days.

A reckless driving conviction adds 8 points to your driving record in Arizona. Accumulating 8 or more points within a 12-month period can lead to additional penalties, such as mandatory attendance at Traffic Survival School or further license suspension.

Yes, with the assistance of an experienced attorney, it's possible to negotiate a reduction or dismissal of reckless driving charges. Legal strategies may involve challenging the evidence, questioning the arresting officer's observations, or demonstrating mitigating circumstances.

Yes, reckless driving is a criminal offense in Arizona. A conviction results in a criminal record, which can have long-term implications for employment, insurance rates, and more.

If you're charged with reckless driving, it's crucial to consult with a knowledgeable attorney who specializes in traffic offenses. They can guide you through the legal process, protect your rights, and work towards the best possible outcome for your case.

Yes, a reckless driving conviction can result in significantly higher insurance premiums. Insurance companies view reckless driving as a serious offense, indicating high-risk behavior, which often leads to increased rates.
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